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More than a service, a way of being.

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Hi! My name is Joana and I am a Virtual Assistant.

I am a curious person by nature, very versatile, communicative and independent.

Count on me to be your right arm in the bureaucratic, administrative

and digital marketing tasks of your business.

I found my passion in the beginning of the year of 2022 when I combined my professional experience and training to work in a freelancer mode as a Virtual Assistant with general Administrative and Customer Care duties, Social Media Manager, E-Commerce Agent and Digital Marketer.

I enjoy to be versatile and multitasked.

The digital world is in a constant mutation and upgration, so i have been studying and searching all the time since 2019 to keep myself updated, informed and able to give my best for my employers.

For best results I have been completing courses, workshops, live youtube classes and personal researches from several websites and professionals, for example, Google Coursera, Mr. Marco Gouveia (digital marketing consultant), Courses Provided by the Portuguese State and Udemy.

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